Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I'm FINALLY back!

I started an art website and finally got some evening art teaching gigs the same time I started this blog and thus fell into the rutt of not adding to my blog. I finally have my time managed better and have plenty of "juicy blog tidbits" to share.

Here is the Part 2 I promised. YES, it is HUGE, but before I add more posts you really gotta know my back story:)

In future posts I'll tackle some of these topics:

- adjusting to marriage 
- adjusting to small town life
- adventures living out in the deep woods
- starting a garden...FINALLY
- house wife madness 
- projects in my art studio (The Owls' Nest)
- family fun 
- silly musings 

Part 2:

My Prince Charmings'job(for now referred to in my blog as 'The Husband')brought me to where I am now, a town of 2,700 in East Texas. He's been here for nearly 22 years and was a transplanted farm boy from the far North Eastern corner of South Dakota of all places. He has owned and lived on 14 beautiful acres deep in the woods for 5 years and taught at the same magnate school program housed in the woods for nearly 22 years.

We met 3 years ago in November in the studio space I used to rent and work in in downtown Houston. He and the 2 people he came in with that night (a fabulous 40's style pin-up model gal named Miss V and a crazy dude named Scary Jerry with an INSANE beard) had been up all night the night before at a wake for a friend who had died in a motorcycle accident. In a no - sleep sudden burst of caffeinated energy they all 3 decided to head to the huge city - wide Art Crawl which started at the warehouse my studio was in. I thought they were hilarious and I became fast friends with all 3 of them and kept in touch about art events in the Houston area for several months before coming face to face with them again. 

By that February, Miss V invited me to sell some of my 40's style pin - up accessory creations at my own booth during the huge Houston area car show her husband was helping plan. She was secretly plotting to set up The Husband and I. 

It worked.

The Husband showed me around the car show after I closed my booth and we went to a great after party with his car club. The next morning, his  tattooed - bearded - eclectic - motor cycle riding - self picked me up from my hotel for Tex-Mex brunch and asked what I was doing 2 weeks later for my spring break.

"Nothing", I replied. "Get me outta Lake Jackson".

"Great", he said. "Pick anywhere in Texas you want to go".

I settled on Marfa and Big Bend in far West Texas and our first official date was a week long road trip adventure to those locales. We were a couple by the end of the trip and about 16 months later he proposed to me at Artists' Point in Yellowstone National Park in the middle of a three - week long camping adventure.

With the proposal came planning a wedding and along with help from my Dad, we had to prep my house I had bought on my own and lived in for 7 years for sale. I also had to make the tearful decision to leave my art teaching job I had had at the high school I had gone too and then worked in for 8 years. Of course I was going to miss most of my coworkers and a lot of my students, but the thing that upset me the most was knowing I might never get to teach art full time again. But, that's for a later blog...

We got married in October, got me moved in with him in his tiny bachelor pad in the woods, sold my house 2 weeks after the wedding and then finished the renovations to double the size of his pad and turn it into our pad for move in by the beginning of December. 

Also, during that time, tried to find any sort of art related paying work, put in paperwork to sub elementary school (the 'planet' inhabited by tiny people I had never taught before and usually cheerful female teachers I had never encountered before in high school planet), started this blog and my art website and have managed to stuff in time to TRY to learn the art of home management and house wife mad - organization - skills.

SO, I know I have written a lot, but ya gotta know me a little before I add to this blog. Thank you for reading! :)

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